Finally! got all the pix enough to post for bamboo,'s a farwell night out for our beloved Lisha who is now reading diz in the Cowboys town. Bambo9 - a nice bar & bistro with enough air to breath for now till the rest of the clubs open surrounding the plaza, its situated at Plaza ttdi at taman tun. New block of shophouses. future heaven! =D The name of the place its abit confusing at 1st, can be seen as bombay at one glance or bamboo or brembo =p actually its bambo9! =.= k la heres the pics...
Me and my Dearest
Miss Lishhyy
Me & Miss NenVIn or Miss Green of the Night =D
Miss Durian, Thinks she can make my head grow some thorns and then eat it =.= Im NO DURIAN HEAD! but she claims me as coconut head =.=
Now She Looks like a Pockadot Fairy with the Lights comming out from her hairband =D Pretty =D
The Group, Yoong, Me, CHicken(and what on earth he starring at), *The Big Little Girl* , Andrew, HeonGz
Mr Black, Alvin, Gerard, Calvin
Trying to fit in the pic. failed
Im Not suppose to be there =D anyway dats, ShishQueen,Durian,Gin
Failed. AGAIN. eh. Gerard oso competing ah..zzz
Voted Most Romantic Pic of the Night!
Kh,me,cal, got kicked out of the bar for misdoing, so we plan to chill at the bar beside bamboo, cheap beers over there too, the ice kacang was great!

The Ceilings of the Night
The Stoners of the Night.

So much for dancing with high heels now carmen has to feel the pain of Sandys Durian Thorn Heels...ya we know you r sorry sandy! =p
Phew, Dats for the Bamboo one, Few more posts to gooooo.....



So much for dancing with high heels now carmen has to feel the pain of Sandys Durian Thorn Heels...ya we know you r sorry sandy! =p
Phew, Dats for the Bamboo one, Few more posts to gooooo.....
1 comment:
wohoooo..hahaahaa i checked only one day ago then wahhhhhhhhhhhh so many newwww post and picszzzzzzz wohoooo..haahahahahaahaa :) yaaaaay we're the most romantic couple ahhaa :) Tira ^ Misu so cute la!!!!!! :p
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